Our orders are delivered in France and abroad and shipped from our logistics centers in France and Germany.

Each order is typically processed and shipped within 72 hours, unless otherwise specified by us. You will receive an email confirming the processing and shipment of the order.

If you have ordered more than one article, the order will be grouped into as few shipments as possible.

For pre-ordered products, the average shipping time will be provided on the article’s page as well as in your cart. 

Fees for shipping:

Standard Shipping France/Germany : 0 € - 49.99 €, the price is 4.23 €

Standard Shipping the rest of Europe : 0 € - 49.99 €, the price is 5.45 €

Standard Shipping World : 0 € - 49.99 €, the price is 6.30 €

Free shipping worldwide on all orders over 50 € using Tracking Mail (Lettre suivie).

In order to receive your orders as expeditiously as possible, it is advisable to have them delivered to an address where you will be present during daytime hours (your workplace for example) or ensure that someone will be present to accept the package in your absence.